Spirulina, for better

Phycocyanin Mineral Blue | Optimize your health naturally

Mineral Blue is a range of 100% French and natural nutraceutical products, based on spirulina extracts, to provide you with their multiple benefits on a daily basis:

Lavender lavender phycocyanin

Spirulina helps support the proper functioning of your immune system

Spirulina improves tone and vitality

Antioxidant action , helps the body to protect itself against oxidation

Ally slimming, allows to control the weight in accompaniment of dietary measures

Our current products

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Liquid spirulina extracts ,

Why ?

Made from a premium spirulina cultivated in the south of France, our spirulina extracts concentrated in phycocyanin contribute to the proper functioning of the body thanks to their multiple properties. Scientifically proven, spirulina supports, helps and normalizes different metabolisms in the human body.

Taking phycocyanin is like consuming the essential concentrated extract of spirulina, without any bad taste, without additives and deliciously flavored. You will benefit from all its extraordinary benefits on a daily basis.

In its liquid form, it is immediately assimilated by our body and is 5000x more bioavailable than in dry spirulina.

When to use Mineral Blue products?

phycocyanin family


lady phycocyanin


phycocyanin on computer


phycocyanin bodybuilding


How is our phycocyanin extracted?

Our spirulina is cultivated in the south of France, near the Pyrenees
, and it is at the foot of the Sainte Victoire mountain, near Aix-en-Provence, that our bio-laboratory eco-extracts phycocyanin by mechanical and natural means, without preservatives.
We extract the phycocyanin cold, by fully mechanical processes that respect the environment and the product in order to guarantee optimal quality.

Our latest news

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Gédéon Pochat         Pourrais-tu te présenter en quelques mots ? Moi c’est Gédéon, j’ai 28 ans et je pratique le trail et le ski alpinisme à haut niveau. L’hiver, je suis dans l’équipe de France de ski alpinisme depuis 2016. Côté trail, je suis dans la...

Jules Chappaz, médaille de bronze sur le sprint classique aux Mondiaux 2023

Jules Chappaz   Jules Chappaz, skieur de fond, se hisse petit à petit au sommet de sa carrière en tant que membre de l'équipe de France et ambassadeur Mineral Blue. Dans une entrevue exclusive, il offre un débrief passionnant de sa saison 2022-2023, marquée par...

Caroline Colombo revient sur ses ressentis aux mondiaux de biathlon de la saison 2022-2023

Caroline Colombo   Caroline Colombo, biathlète de l'équipe de France et ambassadrice Mineral Blue, a connu une saison 2022-2023 très intense aux Mondiaux de biathlon. Dans cette brève interview, elle nous livre un témoignage passionnant sur ses impressions, son...

What consumers are saying:

Product quality, top team, effects from the first days of treatment. I recommend.

EL Baak

We discovered after 10 years of wandering that our daughter’s health problems were due to the administration of fluoroquinolones through the veins. Fluoroquinolones are inhibitors of TOPOISOMERASE 2 and damage mitochondrial DNA. We started a phycocyanin cure for at least 3 months or 3 cell cycles with the hope of improving her condition. We chose MINERAL BLUE for its quality, no sugar, no aromas, no preservatives! The shipment is very fast.

Régine Bouchiquet

I am 56 years old and have a long history of prostate trouble urinating…. In addition to the other benefits of this product, I noticed a decrease in my prostate problems…. To see if this benefit continues after the end of my treatment… .. because given the price I don’t think I can take all of it throughout the year…

Franck Trochet