Spirulina, source of life

Spirulina is the common name given to a microalgae of the genus Arthrospira , of which the most used species is Arthrospira platensis . This microscopic microalgae is fascinating, both in nature and in its usefulness and nutritional value.

It is part of a special family of bacteria called cyanobacteria, or « blue-green algae », whose existence dates back more than 3.5 billion years. It has an efficient photosynthetic system ( directed by phycocyanin ) which allows it to use the sun’s energy to grow rapidly and multiply into small, spiral filaments.

It thrives naturally in salty and alkaline water lakes found in tropical and subtropical areas such as India, Chad, Peru and Mexico. Consumed since Antiquity by many peoples, particularly by the Aztecs and by the people of Lake Chad, it is recognized worldwide as a rich and exceptional source of nutrients which are essential to our metabolism.

Analyzed for several decades by the scientific community, its constituents have revealed an exceptional nutritional value due to its unparalleled richness in proteins, unsaturated lipids, antioxidant vitamins and essential minerals. It helps fight malnutrition or accompanies the training of athletes.

Very few foods present such a varied and important nutritional quality in such a compact form, which makes spirulina an exceptional food supplement that improves metabolism and repairs, strengthens and tones the body.

Recommended as a nutrient supply and as food to be cultivated by the European Space Agency and recommended by UNESCO for malnutrition and by a growing number of consumers, its reputation is well established.

Its major active compound, phycocyanin , is the source of most of its benefits.

Nutritional qualities of spirulina

Its nutritional richness is unmatched, mainly due to its high protein content (60-70% dry matter, of which 47% is composed of essential amino acids) which is twice as rich as that of soybeans, but also of others. essential components such as iron (0.1%), gamma-linolenic acid (omega-3) (1%), vitamins (A, B, E, K), minerals (Na, K, Mg, Ca, P), trace elements (Zn, Mn, Cu, Mo, Se), chlorophyll and especially phycocyanin.

* Indispensable for cell renewal and participates in the formation of red blood cells

Liquid spirulina extracts

Phycocyanin, this liquid extract also called « blue gold » of spirulina

It is thanks to its action that the light captured by spirulina is transformed into energy to allow its growth.

Phycocyanin has a characteristic indigo blue color, with red reflections in the light, representative of its biological activity. Once extracted in liquid form from fresh spirulina, the affinity of liquid phycocyanin with our metabolism is such that its elements quickly pass through the digestive walls and are immediately assimilated by our body.

This results in a bioavailability 5,000 times greater than spirulina.

To obtain a quality phycocyanin, it is necessary to start from a premium spirulina cultivated under the best conditions.

By its nature, phycocyanin is a temperature and light sensitive molecule. Therefore, special precautions must be taken to allow efficient extraction.

Our mastery of the extraction and packaging process therefore guarantees you a natural, pure phycocyanin of exceptional quality.

For more information on the extraordinary properties of phycocyanin, we invite you to consult the database of available scientific publications. at this address.

Main contributions of MINERAL BLUE spirulina liquid extract:

Strengthens your immune defenses : spirulina helps support the immune system. Phycocyanin, one of the nutrients in spirulina, stimulates the natural defenses.

Helps the body protect itself against oxidation : Spirulina is a rich source of antioxidants which helps the body to protect itself against the consequences of oxidative stress.

Improves your tone and vitality : improves physical performance, strength and concentration during exercise. Acts on fatigue, thus reducing recovery time.

Is a slimming ally (in association with dietary measures): due to its incredible protein content, spirulina is a naturally satiating food, providing a rapid and lasting effect of satiety. It also prevents the degradation of starch.